Liquid Cube®
Inpro Technologies is a Russian company with more than 7 years of experience in the market, specializing in the field of information technology and engineering IT infrastructure.
"Инпро Технолоджис" — российская компания с более чем 7-летним опытом на рынке, специализирующаяся в области информационных технологий и инженерной ИТ инфраструктуры.

Аппаратно-вычислительный комплекс Liquid Cube® обладает передовой технологией жидкостного охлаждения. Мы предлагаем интеграцию решений "под ключ", учитывая ваши технические требования. Благодаря партнерству с ведущими отечественными производителями серверного и коммуникационного оборудования, мы можем создавать комплексные решения, точно соответствующие вашим индивидуальным потребностям.
Innovative IT infrastructure of domestic production
The Liquid Cube® hardware and computing complex features advanced liquid cooling technology.

We offer turnkey solution integration tailored to your technical requirements. Thanks to partnerships with leading domestic manufacturers of server and communications equipment, we can create comprehensive solutions that precisely match your individual needs.
Benefits of choosing Liquid Cube® technology
Energy savings up to 90% (PUE 1.02 - 1.10)
Increase your computing density
Extend the lifespan of your equipment
Build a data center with us and achieve energy savings up to 40%
Reduce operating and capital costs
Increase the speed of your computing deployments
Solutions for office and EDGE
Office or decentralized solution.
A mobile server room with a modern design and silent operation, ready to solve a wide range of IT tasks without the need for a special room.
Data center solutions
LIQUID CUBE DATA CENTER. Groups of computing and communication systems with a single cooling circuit for any data center.
Container solutions

Mobile data center: fast, reliable and low maintenance.
Modern challenges require innovative solutions
Oil and gas
Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks
Big Data
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Smart Home Systems
Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)
Digital Twins
Contact your Liquid Cube® representative
Please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
To request more information, please contact us through our social channels.
We only need a couple of hours!
No more than 2 working days from the date of receipt of the application for release.
Immersion cooling for any workload, anywhere
Moscow, st. 3rd Khoroshevskaya, 13
Number of units
LIQUID CUBE® OS Micro data centers designed for offices
Equipment power (max)
up to 8 kW
up to 15 kW
L x W x H (mm)
Weight (max)
up to 800 kg
up to 1100 kg
Floor load (max)
up to 850 kg/m2
up to 1150 kg/m2
from 1.03 to 1.07
Temperature range
0°С… +40°С
Noise level
not higher than 35 dB
Number of units
Equipment power (max)
up to 15 kW
L x W x H (mm)
Weight (max)
up to 1100 kg
Floor load (max)
up to 1150 kg/m2
Control parameters
  • Operation of equipment and infrastructure parameters
  • Coolant and ambient temperature
  • Coolant level
  • Alert
General characteristics
  • E-mail, SMS, Operator panel on the complex body, WEB interface
  • SNMP, IPMI, RedFish
Delivery time is 12 – 14 weeks from the date of signing the contract.
Number of units
DS - 23
LIQUID CUBE® DATA CENTER. Groups of Computing and Communication Complexes with a Common Cooling Circuit
Equipment power (max)
L x W x H (mm)
Weight (max)
Floor load (max)
Temperature range
External cooling circuit
Number of units
Equipment power (max)
up to 25 kW
L x W x H (mm)
Weight (max)
1300 kg
Floor load (max)
up to 1100 kg/m2
Control parameters
  • Operation of equipment and infrastructure parameters
  • Coolant and ambient temperature
  • Coolant level
  • Alert
  • E-mail, SMS, Operator panel on the complex body, WEB interface
  • SNMP, IPMI, RedFish
Delivery time is 12 – 14 weeks from the date of signing the contract.
up to 25 kW
1300 kg
up to 1100 kg/m2
from 1.03 to 1.07
0°С… +40°С
Group common
LC 23U in a container
LIQUID CUBE® container data center

Number of units
Equipment power (max)
External cooling circuit
Structural composition
LC 23U in container
up to 12
Equipment power (max)
up to 240 kW
20 - 45 feet
External cooling circuit
With reservation
от 1.03 до 1.05
See previous slides
Delivery time is 20– 24 weeks from the date of signing the contract.
up to 12 systems
up to 276
up to 240 kW
20 - 45 feet
Operator workstation, switching equipment, UPS, LC placement area, pumping station
Access control system, infrastructure
Power supply
  • From two feeders ≈400V, 50Hz (3 phases)
  • Equipment power supply from the common OCP bus (=12V)
  • Redundancy of OCP power supplies (N+1 or N+N)
  • Support equipment power supply ≈230V, 50Hz
  • Backup power subsystem
from 1.03 to 1.05
Temperature range
Security and fire alarms, fire extinguishing, ventilation and air conditioning, power distribution
Creating a distributed IT infrastructure using an immersion cooling system provides several important advantages:
  • Improved Reliability: Distributed IT infrastructure provides redundancy and fault tolerance. When using an immersion cooling system, each infrastructure node receives reliable and stable cooling, which reduces the likelihood of failures and increases the availability of services for users.

  • Energy Saving: The immersion cooling system efficiently recycles heat, reducing energy consumption for equipment cooling. In a distributed infrastructure where multiple nodes may be present, this can significantly reduce overall power consumption and maintenance costs.

  • Improved Flexibility: Distributed IT infrastructure with immersion cooling offers greater flexibility because it can be deployed closer to end users or where data is collected. This reduces latency and improves system responsiveness.

  • Scalability: Distributed infrastructure usually scales easily as new nodes can be added or removed according to business needs. The immersion cooling system makes it possible to quickly and easily integrate new components without the need for additional cooling infrastructure.

  • Reduced Space Requirements: Immersion cooling can reduce the size of distributed infrastructure nodes, which is especially valuable if they are located in limited spatial conditions, such as urban areas or industrial facilities.
Overall, the use of an immersion cooling system in a distributed IT infrastructure provides a reliable, efficient and flexible solution for processing data and providing services at distributed levels.
LIQUID CUBE® OS Micro data centers designed for offices
Immersion cooling data center is an innovative solution that offers a number of advantages:
  • Cooling Efficiency: Immersion cooling immerses equipment in a special liquid, providing more efficient and uniform cooling than traditional air cooling systems. This allows you to reduce the operating temperature of the equipment and increase its service life.

  • Energy Efficient: Because liquid has a higher thermal capacity than air, an immersion cooling system requires less energy to maintain equipment at optimal temperatures. This allows you to reduce energy consumption and save on operating costs.

  • Reduced Space: Because there is no need for air corridors to cool equipment, an immersion-cooled data center can be more compact, optimizing space utilization and reducing real estate requirements.

  • Less Maintenance: With no fans or other moving parts associated with traditional cooling systems, an immersion cooling system requires less maintenance and routine maintenance.

  • Safety: Since the equipment is immersed in liquid, it is protected from dust, moisture and other external influences, which increases its reliability and service life.

  • Improved Packing Density: Thanks to its compact design and cooling efficiency, an immersion-cooled data center can accommodate higher densities of servers and other equipment, increasing the center's overall computing power.
These benefits make immersion-cooled data centers an attractive solution for companies looking to optimize their IT infrastructures for efficiency, reliability and sustainability.
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LIQUID CUBE® DATA CENTER. Groups of Computing and Communication Complexes with a Common Cooling Circuit
Containerized data centers are becoming an increasingly advanced IT technology as they provide a number of benefits including mobility, efficient use of resources and the ability to scale quickly.

A number of strategies and technologies can be used to create a “fast, reliable and low-maintenance” container data center:

  • Standardization and modularity: Development of containers and modular components for rapid assembly and scaling of the data center.

  • Automation: Using automation tools to manage services, Diptychs and data center maintenance without the need for frequent interventions.

  • Energy Optimization: Use efficient cooling systems, energy management and renewable energy to reduce economic costs and improve reliability.

  • Redundancy Management: Implement redundant power, cooling and network systems to ensure uninterrupted operations and minimize failure risks.

  • Monitoring and analytics: Implementation of Diptych and analytics systems to quickly identify problems and prevent dangerous failures.

  • Security: Implement modern data protection and physical security to prevent security threats.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Create a structure that can quickly adapt to changing needs and scale with business growth.
Compliance with these restrictions will allow you to create a container data center that will have high performance, reliability and require a minimum level of maintenance.
LIQUID CUBE® container data center

  1. Online banking and mobile applications
  2. Cybersecurity
  3. Analytics and business intelligence
  4. Robotization and process automation
  5. Cloud technologies
  6. Digital platforms and ecosystems
Banking sector
  1. Monitoring and control of energy systems.
  2. Optimization of energy production and distribution.
  3. Forecasting and analysis of energy consumption.
  4. Implementation of smart grid systems and smart metrics.
  5. Development and implementation of energy efficiency programs.
  6. Ensuring cybersecurity of energy systems.
  7. Implementation of cloud technologies for data storage and analysis.
  8. Using artificial intelligence to optimize processes.
  9. Implementation of monitoring and fault detection systems.
  10. Development and management of distributed energy resources.
Energy sector
1. Development and support of communication networks, including mobile communications, fixed-line communications and broadband Internet access.
2. Network infrastructure management, including routing, switching and quality of service.
3. Development and implementation of new technologies and standards, such as 5G, to increase the speed and capacity of networks.
4. Ensuring network cybersecurity and protection against cyber threats.
5. Development and implementation of communication services such as VoIP, video conferencing and cloud telephone systems.
6. Monitoring and analysis of network load and performance to optimize network performance.
7. Implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) systems to improve customer service and subscriber base management.
8. Development and operation of data centers and cloud platforms for data storage and processing.
9. Development and implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) services and machine learning to create innovative telecommunications solutions.
10. Conducting marketing research and data analysis to adapt services to the requirements of the market and consumers.
Telecommunications sector
1. Automation of production processes
2. Equipment monitoring and maintenance
3. Supply chain management
4. Data analytics
5. Energy management
6. Digitalization of production
7. Safety and protection
8. Collection and analysis of quality data
9. Maintenance and repair management
10. Integration of systems and processes
Industrial sector
1. Monitoring and management of production processes.
2. Forecasting and optimization of oil and gas production.
3. Well and drilling management.
4. Modeling and analysis of geological data.
5. Processing and analysis of geophysical data.
6. Monitoring and control of security processes.
7. Equipment and maintenance management.
8. Optimization of oil and gas transportation and storage.
9. Development and implementation of new mining and processing technologies.
10. Data analysis for decision making and risk management.
Oil and gas sector
1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Text analysis and generation, speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation.
2. Computer Vision: Object recognition, image detection and classification, segmentation of objects in images.
3. Medical diagnostics: Automatic analysis of medical images (X-ray, MRI, CT), diagnosis of diseases, prediction of treatment results.
4. Financial analytics: Forecasting market trends, analyzing financial data, managing risks and investment portfolio.
5. Automation of production: Optimization of production processes, predictive maintenance of equipment, product quality management.
6. Autonomous vehicles: Development and training of algorithms for controlling autonomous vehicles, recognizing road conditions and making decisions based on the data obtained.
7. Personalized recommendations: Analysis of user behavior, prediction of user preferences and needs, recommendation of content and products.
Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks
1. Scalability
2. Processing speed
3. Data storage
4. Analytics and processing
5. Security
6. Data integration
Big Data
1. Monitoring and control equipment: collecting data from industrial equipment (e.g. machines, sensors, control devices) for diptychs of its condition and performance, as well as remote management and control.
2. Predictive maintenance: analyzing data to predict possible failures or malfunctions in equipment, which helps prevent accidents and reduce production downtime.
3. Optimization of production processes: using data to optimize workflows, improve efficiency and improve key production costs.
4. Improvement of product quality: Monitoring production parameters and product quality in order to eliminate defects and improve the quality of finished products.
5. Energy efficiency: using IIoT for Diptychs and optimizing energy consumption in production processes, which reduces energy costs and reduces the environmental burden.
6. Safety and safe production: Monitoring working conditions, detecting dangerous situations and emergency situations, and managing safety in an instant.
7. Supply Chain Management: Using manufacturing process data to optimize the supply chain and manage inventory, reducing downtime risks and improving materials.
8. Big Data Collection and Analysis: IIoT enables the collection and analysis of large volumes of data to identify patterns, trends and relationships in production processes.
9. Integration with cloud platforms: IIoT interaction with cloud platforms for storing, analyzing and processing data, as well as ensuring data scalability and availability.
10. Development of new business models: IIoT opens up new opportunities for the development of successful business models based on data collection and analysis, outcome-based service delivery and management.
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
1. Device management
2. Monitoring and control
3. Energy efficiency
4. Security
5. Comfort and convenience
6. Integration and extensibility
7. Personalization and automation
8. Monitoring health and condition
Smart Home Systems
1. Entertainment and games: Creating immersive slots and entertainment content that immerse the user in virtual worlds or incorporate augmented reality into the original environment.
2. Education and training: Using VR/AR to create simulations and simulators that allow users to learn and train in various concepts such as medicine, aviation, military, etc.
3. Design and architecture: The ability to create virtual models of buildings, objects and interiors to visualize projects before their physical implementation, as well as to conduct virtual tours of objects.
4. Medicine and rehabilitation: The use of VR/AR in medicine for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, for example, for psychotherapy, pain relief, recovery or after injury.
5. Marketing and Advertising: Creating interactive advertising campaigns and virtual tours of properties that help attract attention and interest potential customers.
6. Tourism and Travel: Providing circular excursions and tours to different places in the world, authorized users take into account attractions and cultural sites.
7. Product Design and Prototyping: Create virtual prototypes of products and designs for implementation and evaluation before physical production.
8. Collaboration and virtual conferences: Possibility of virtual collaboration and interaction in various types of activities, as well as holding virtual events and conferences.
9. Entertainment and cultural events: Creation of interactive exhibitions, concerts, parties and other events using VR/AR for participants and performances.
10. Augmented Reality for Business: Using AR to improve business operations, such as employee training, inventory management, or customer service.
Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)
1. Modeling and simulation of processes: Creation of virtual models of real objects, systems or processes for the purpose of analysis, optimization and simulation of their operation.
2. Monitoring and analytics: Using digital twins to monitor and analyze the performance of real objects in real time, which allows you to identify problems, predict failures and make operational decisions.
3. Virtual testing and simulation: Conduct virtual tests and experiments with digital twins to evaluate the performance, reliability and efficiency of systems before their physical implementation.
4. New Product Development and Design: Using digital twins to develop and design new products and systems to speed up the development process, reduce costs and improve product quality.
5. Process optimization and resource management: Analysis and optimization of the operation of real objects and systems based on data obtained from digital twins, which improves resource efficiency and reduces costs.
6. Machine learning and artificial intelligence training: Using digital twins to train and develop machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, resulting in more accurate and efficient models.
7. Decision support: Using digital twins to provide the information and analytics needed to make strategic and tactical decisions within an organization.
8. Service and maintenance: Using digital twins to provide services and maintain real objects and systems, which allows them to ensure their continuous operation and prevent possible failures.
Digital Twins